Ballerina : All The Latest & Exciting Updates About The John Wick Spinoff

Ever since we’ve watched the first John Wick movie, we knew that something big is going to take place in this franchise. After the huge success of the first two films of this journey, the John Wick franchise has developed itself into a legendary saga where we’ve seen some of the most intense action packed sequences.

Now the Lionsgate Studio has recently released it’s fourth film in this epic John Wick saga and after watching it, we all have one question, what is the future of this beautiful saga. While the possibilities of the John Wick 5 are still blurry, we are getting a spinoff movie with the name of ‘Ballerina‘!

This movie is going to surprise us with tons of new plots and characters and it may also open the doors for more future projects based upon the John Wick saga as well. When is the movie coming, what are the possibilities, who is in the cast? Here’s everything that you need to know about the ‘Ballerina‘!

Ballerina : What Are The Latest Updates?


While most of the updates and developments about this beautiful project are still under wraps, we’ve gotten something straight from our very own sources which might excites you.

If you don’t know then Ballerina is set to hit theatres on June 7, 2024 and it seems like the studio is going to release it just on time. Despite the active strikes which are taking place in the Hollywood, the chances of delaying this project are quite low, and that’s because the movie is under development since the beginning of 2023.

Now according to our sources, there is a big development regarding the first teaser of this movie. The latest reports are now claiming that the Lionsgate studio might release the first teaser of Ballerina in early 2024.

These reports sounds very authentic as well as logical if we takes a closer look on the release schedule of Ballerina. The movie is going to release in the June of 2024, which is just five months ahead of January, and we knows that studios releases the very first teaser or short trailer of their movies five to sixth month prior to their release dates.

It is done in order to build some initial hype among the fans for the project and the studio also gets enough time to plan for their marketing strategies. Hence, any date in January of 2024 seems very logical to release the first look from this highly anticipated project.

However, we have to keep our eyes on the present conditions of the Hollywood as well, because if these strikes makes into 2024, then we might see an unexpected delay of this movie as well.

Big Updates About The Cast Of Ballerina!

Keanu Reeves and Ana De Armas
Keanu Reeves and Ana De Armas

Next thing that almost all of us wants to know is the casting of Ballerina. Who is in the cast and what are some new and familiar faces that are going to appear in the movie?

We knows that the talented Ana De Armas is going to reprise her role as Rooney, who is also going to be the main character of the Ballerina. Now the biggest development in the field of casting is the confirmation about the return of Keanu Reeves as our beloved John Wick. Joining him is Ian McShane who will be reprising the role of Winston and Anjelica Huston who is also set to appear as assassin instructor The Director once again.

However, you have to keep in mind that this time, our Keanu is going to appear just as a cameo and not in the whole movie, which is obvious because the movie is going to revolve around Rooney, the character which is being played by our Ana. In fact, many officials has also confirmed that Ballerina is going to be among the most action packed movies of Ana De Armas, which again sparks the heat about her role.

Next big update is the casting of Catalina Sandino Moreno whose role is still undisclosed by the studio. The casting of Ballerina will become even more interesting for you after hearing that the famous Norman Reedus is also being casted in this project. However, his role is also hidden.

Ana De Armas Ballerina
Ana De Armas

While we knows that many other castings are going to take place for Ballerina, stars are already busy in building a hype for this movie. In a recent interview with the Collider, McShane has teased many things about his role and the movie. He said:

Well, it’s similar. Keanu’s in it too, but they’re all cameos in it. Basically, throughout the movie, he’s dotted a little more, and [Ana de Armas] was great doing her action, you know, she was terrific. Our participation in it is so much about helping to, for the audience, connect that it’s part of the same world.

His statement about Ballerina is enough in itself to give us hints about the intensities and plots which are going to take place inside the movie, and we can also take it as an assurance that everything is going smooth and we are going to witness a masterpiece for sure!

Ballerina Plotline : What Really Is Happening In The Movie?


Here comes the thing about which we are always excited, the plotline. What is going to happen in the movie?

While almost everything is hidden by the Lionsgate studio and we didn’t even watched the first teaser, predicting anything about this project sounds a joke. However, there are some synopsis which have been released officially by the studio.

According to the official summary:

[she is a] woman who has some very difficult circumstances and who’s looking for revenge. Whoever killed her- someone killed her father. Who could that be? And so it’s her journey for actually understanding her past. She lost her father at a young age, and she doesn’t really know what happened. Only that someone came into the house and killed her father, who had a tattoo. And as we know in John Wick, if you have a tattoo, something’s going on.”

While the plot is definitely looking very promising, it’s still too hard to predict about the incidents which are going to take place in the final project. Still we can say that Ballerina is revolving around our Rooney, who is very hungry to take the revenge of her father’s death.

As mentioned in the synopsis itself, Rooney does not knows who really killed her father, all she knows is the tattoo which was present on somewhere on the ‘someone’ who killed her father. It also repeats the official theme of John Wick which says that ‘if someone has a tattoo, then definitely a lot is going on’.

We can also predict that the movie is going to revolve around the journey of Rooney where she will go after not only the ‘one’ who is behind that murder, but she will also go after the ‘one’ who is really behind all that dark plan.

So we can now safely say that a lot is going to take place in the Ballerina and Ana De Armas is definitely going to nail the role. Well, only few months are left in 2023 and we might get a chance to watch the first look from the movie very soon.

We will make sure to update you as soon as we gets some solid updates so make sure to stick around the corner with the Movie World Network. Stay Safe, Peace Out!

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