Inside Out 2 & The Garfield Movie Will Bring Barbenheimer 2.0 In The Hollywood

Hollywood is known for delivering us some of the most hot trends for the internet and while the studios might earn some huge profits, audience on the other hands earns a lot of praise in merchandise and movies. Some trends are made intentionally by the companies while others are made entirely by us, the fans and it seems like 2024 is going to deliver us another crazy trend once again, however this time, the animated universe is going to be under the spotlight.

The Garfield Movie and Inside Out 2 are now among the highly anticipated projects of 2024 and Sony is just one step away from turning the tables by making it… the next Barbenheimer, a concept which will either bring a storm of cash flow for both Sony and Disney or will compress their performance on the box office.

But how!? Let’s talk about the how both of these studios might bring Barbenheimer Part 2!

‘Outfield’ : The Barbenheimer 2.0!

Inside Out 2 & The Garfield Movie are the next Barbenheimer
The Garfield Movie

While you might think that both Inside Out 2 and The Garfield Movie are going to perform well on box office, then you are actually right but it all depends upon Sony studio and that’s because they can either bring a storm or can focus on their individual products aka IP’s.

Inside Out 2 is set to hit theatres in June and the speculative date is June 14, 2024. The Garfield Movie on the other hand is also set to hit theatres in summers but they don’t have any confirmed release schedule. However they have a golden opportunity to release it somewhere around Inside Out 2 or on the same day.

Yes, we are talking about what if both of these projects hit theatres on June 14, 2024? What will happen? And more importantly, who’s going to perform well and who will die?

Now here is the fact, both Inside Out 2 and The Garfield Movie is based upon their well established IP’s. One is going to be a direct sequel of a perfect Pixar movie while the other is going to be the first full length animated feature film of our favorite comic character.

The teaser of Inside Out 2 broke many records in the viewership of first twenty-four hours whereas that of The Garfield’s has gathered more views then any of the Sonic movies teasers in the first twenty-four hours.

Not only this, the part which makes it even more interesting is the fact that none of them is going to feature anything woke or controversial, a thing due to which many studios especially Disney and it’s associated companies were getting bombed at box office.

The officials has has also confirmed that Inside Out 2 is going to be five times much better then the first part and many surprises are waiting for us. In fact, we are receiving some new cast members in the form of four new emotions which adds some extra taste in it.

The Garfield Movie on the other hand is bringing back Chris Pratt, the man and the legend who was behind the voice of our Mario in The Super Mario Bros Movie and we can now confirm that he is a multi-talented actor who is made to give his voice to these cute little characters. That’s why the hype among the fans to listen him once again is real, which makes this movie a perfect competitor for Inside Out 2.

The OutField Is A Win-Win Condition For Both Disney & Sony!

Inside Out 2 and Garfield Movie might create Barbenheimer 2.0
Margot Robbie & Cilian Murphy

We’ve seen the exact same thing in 2023 when the concept of Barbenheimer bought a storm on all over internet and not just the internet, but in the Hollywood as well. The hype which was build by the marketing of both of those movies was very impressive and it was that one factor which was responsible for their performances as well.

The reason why we are feeling like Sony might set a release date of somewhere around Inside Out 2 is pretty simple, and that is the result of the Barbenheimer.

By the end of this concept, the Barbie movie ended up earning more then a billion dollars on box office. Yes, The Barbie Movie has earned $1.4 Billion which is the highest numbers for a live-action movie with a female lead. Oppenheimer on the other hand earned more then $950 Million on the worldwide box office, which is again very impressive for 2023 especially when we takes a look at DC and Marvel who are failing again and again.

That’s the reason why we are saying that IF and only IF Sony wants to cash in this golden opportunity, which we feels like going to be worth it, then they can revive the animated universe once again. In fact, not only for themselves, but for other animated studios as well.

Whereas, the game will depend upon the marketing strategies and merch powers which will end up giving a huge profit to us, the fans, the audience. So what will you name this concept? We are going to call it as ‘The OutField‘, which is made up of OUT from Inside Out 2 and FIELD from The Garfield Movie.

Comment yours below and if you want to stay up to date with everything Hollywood then make sure to stick around the corner with the Movie World Network. Till that, Stay Safe, Peace Out!

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