Inside Out 2 : These Surprisingly New Emotions Will Make Their Appearance In The Sequel

Inside out 2 is set to hit theatres on 14 June 2024, which means we are only few months away
from an epic movie. But do you know that there are going to be more then 10 emotions in the
sequel ?
If no then you are at the right place as we are revealing the list of 5 new emotions who will definitely
appear in the sequel along with their first look images. So pack your emotions and let’s know everything that we knows about Inside Out 2 so far.

There Were Total 27 Emotions For Inside Out

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We’ve seen total five emotions in the first movie that mainly includes ‘Joy‘, ‘Fear‘, ‘Anger‘, ‘Sadness‘, and ‘Disgust‘. All these emotions were playing a very vital role in the movie, however, let us tell you that there were total 27 emotions who was set to appear.
But at that time, the studio came up with only 5 emotions. When asked about it, Pixar Chief Pete Docter said, “Riley was too young to deal with all these emotions and it could make her out of control. So we decided to come up with only five basic emotions. But yeah, you might see other emotions in future.

So now we are finally getting a sequel in the near future and we are sure that it’s where we will get a chance to watch those deleted emotions. Luckily, some official reports are also confirming the names of those emotions as well.

We Will Get A New ‘Hope’ In Inside Out 2 !!

inside out 2 hope
image via Pixar

Now the very first emotion which is going to make it’s debut is none other then our ‘Hope‘. This image was officially revealed by the studio back in 2015 to showcase how she could look
like in ‘Inside Out’.
Unfortunately, she got removed from the first movie as the official team said that ‘Riley was in the stage of the life where the teenagers usually don’t bind any kind of Hope‘. But now, Inside Out 2 is taking place in the final teenage years of Riley, that means, Hope is the one who is definitely going to appear in the
Hope can even bring a new positivity in the storyline of this beautiful sequel because we knows that Riley is going to deal with a lot of emotional and mental problems, which are very normal in our final teenage years.

So a emotion which can instantly spread some positivity will definitely play an important role in the life of Riley as well as for her family. However, we should not rely on her design as we knows that Pixar animators will definitely modify her a little bit.

Riley Will Get Her ‘Love’ In Inside Out 2!!

inside out 2 love
image via Pixar

The second new emotion which is going to make it’s appearance is none other then ‘Love‘ itself. We knows that teenage years are the years where almost all of us falls in love, whether directly or indirectly, but we feels this feeling at some point for sure.

So how can a movie which is going to deal with tons of emotions can leave one of the most beautiful emotion of mankind? Of course we’ve seen some of the best love stories in Disney-Pixar animated movies, but watching that feeling as an animated character is definitely going to be a unique experience.

Now the best part is that, initially, Pixar has 2 version of this emotion. The first one is like a
baby, and it can be used as a emotion which evolves when a teenager starts feeling good with

inside out 2 love junior
image via Pixar

And the second one is a developed version, which can be used when a teenager finally falls in
love with someone. However, we are not sure that whether or not they will introduce both versions, but we will get this emotion for sure.

Love can also play a beautiful role in making a good chemistry among other emotions as well, so we’ve to see in what direction will this emotion takes the story of Inside Out 2.

‘Guilt’ Will Create Some Mess In The Sequel !!

inside out 2 guilt
image via Pixar

The third and confirmed emotion is going to be ‘Guilt‘ which can bring a whole new vibe in the movie. Riley is going to enter in her final teenage years, and these are the years where we explores a lot of good or bad things, whether it is partying out till midnight or to go and hit the gym.

It’s all fine if we are engaged in the playful and entertaining activities which are useful for our own self improvement, but many times, we do what we are not supposed to do and that’s the moment when we feels guilty.

So this sequel is a perfect time to introduce this weird but an important emotion which can help Riley to go in the mode of ‘self realization’ which will directly improve her personality. However, this emotion can also cause some troubles for other emotions, but it will bring some unique moments in the movie for sure.

‘Irritation’ Might Irritate Riley !!

Inside Out 2 Irritation
image via Pixar

Next comes ‘Irritation‘ which again seems almost confirmed to make an appearance in ‘Inside Out 2’. In the official artwork, there is no specific shape of this emotion, and it looks quite funny as well.

Riley is definitely going to get irritated again and again in the movie because our emotions are at peak in those stages of our lives. So sometimes, they even creates a lot of chaos in our mind.

The studio might use this emotion to develop a self control in Riley, and since the look of this
emotion is quite funny, we can also expect some hilarious moments as well.

But like we confirmed above, Pixar studio will definitely change the look of this emotion as the movie is now taking place in future of the Riley of first movie.

Shame Or Embarrassment Will Create Some Troubles In Inside Out 2 !!

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image via Pixar

The final confirmed emotion in our list is going to be the gang of ‘Shame and Embarrassment‘. Since Riley is moving ahead in her life, she will get many chances to prove herself. This is where a teenager faces a lot of new problems.

These problems are nothing but our own ‘hesitation’ which stops us from grabbing the opportunities. We always starts thinking about other’s opinions and hence, ends up hiding our real talent.

Even if we tries to prove ourselves, there are many times when we ends up being getting failed, and that’s where we starts feeling embarrassed. Riley will also deal with these types of situations, and she will also have to move forward in life.

To deal with them properly, she will have to control her own shyness or else she will also end up being getting embarrassed. But this group of emotion will also give her a chance to shine like a star, because if she will control herself, then she will also gain a lot of confidence.

So finally adding them in the cast will make this movie even much better, because the more the emotions, the more will be the fun.
In short, these are just 5 emotions which, according to us, are almost confirmed to appear in the sequel. However, we are sure to see some changes in their physical appearance, which is really obvious.

What Is The Plot Of Inside Out 2?

So after knowing about all these new emotions, you might be wondering to know more about the sequel, and most importantly, about the plotline. As of now, neither Disney nor Pixar has released any kind of synopsis for this sequel, but we have some sort of details about it.

In the D23 expo of 2022, it was revealed that the sequel will still revolve around Riley and her emotional team, but this film will explore Riley as a teenager and will include some new emotions. If the mind of an adolescent was confusing enough, the emotions inside a teenager are going to be even more entertaining to watch.

When Could We Get The First Official Trailer?

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inside out 2 fanart

The movie is set to hit theatres starting from 14 June, 2024, it means the first look teaser should get drop by this Halloween for sure. This is because the studio usually drops their first short teaser five to six months prior to their release schedule.

Since the movie is going to be a guaranteed success, studio will not leave any chance to promote it, and what’s better then the holidays season? So pack your emotions and get ready to go on a wild and emotional ride with Riley and other emotions in Inside Out 2 very soon.

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Till that, stay safe, peace out !!

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