Zootopia 2: Trailer, Release Date And Exciting New Updates

Disney is bringing back our Nick and Judy in Zootopia 2, so it’s the time to know some exciting new updates about the sequel. This article will include its release date, plot and of course some updates about new characters!! So let’s jump into the world of Zootropolis !!

Zootopia 2 New & Exciting Plotline:-

zootopia 2
Image via Movie World Network YouTube Channel

The very first update is about the plotline of the sequel. Zootopia 2 will likely follow Nick and Judy as official partners in the police force. The central plot of the film will probably focus on the pair being assigned another case to unravel and could feature either a new movie villain related to this case or the return of Mayor Lionheart.

Eventually, the Disney sequel could also follow up on one of the storylines or sub-plots we are introduced to in the web series Zootopia Plus, as we know Disney loves to make the most of its franchises. And according to some reports, there are some rumors going around which claims that the studio will introduce multiple new characters including an underworld Don from the world of ocean. Hence, introducing tons of sea creatures in the movie, which seems quite impressive as there’s a lot to discover in the city of Zootropolis !!

However, we still have to wait a bit because Disney might announce something official in this year’s D23 Expo, which is gonna held in the month of September!!

The Release Date:-

Zootopia 2 Will Surprise You!
Zootopia 2 Logo

Now in this case, we have to keep in mind that the studio is also developing other sequels like Frozen 3, which will ofcourse take a good amount of time in development. However, the studio has some untitled projects which are set to hit theatres on November of 2024 and 2025. So, could it be Zootopia 2 !?

Well, keeping in mind that Frozen 3 is getting a whole new creative team as well as the director, this movie will definitely not release before 2025, which means that we might get a chance to watch our Nick and Judy in late 2024 for sure. But again it depends upon the schedule of the Disney Studios, however, the late 2024 release date seems almost confirmed for the Zootopia 2 !!

The Script Of Zootopia 2 is Underway !!

Also the final updates about the sequel is that the studio is about to start the script writing of the sequel, which will again allow them to give us a solid prediction regarding the release date as well as the plot of the movie. As of now, both Zootopia 2 and Frozen 3 are in active development, and we told you almost every single detail about the project.
Want to know more about Frozen 3 ? Then check it out HERE !! You can also subscribe to our FREE email newsletter where we will keep you up-to-date with every new Hollywood Gossips right at your finger-tips. Till that, Stay safe, Peace Out !!

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